Saturday, December 22, 2012

Space Hero Online Game - Logic fun for all ages by BOKGames

Play Space Hero Logic Game

Space…the final frontier…these are the voyages of the starship Enterprise...No, no, this is not a new “Star Trek” episode. This is a story about our Space Hero and his saga traveling through space and time. He was on the mission but somehow he got stuck out in space and he had to go back to his spaceship to finish his tasks. He is floating out in space, surrounded by stars, planets, comets. Dressed in space suit our Hero looks like a character from the comic books.

In this space and puzzle game our Space Hero needs to overcome some obstacles in order to get back to his ship. Although it looks easy, each level requires good thinking and turning on your little brain cells to find a logical solution to solve the problems.

There are very interesting obstacles on an unusual places and the final mission is to remove them in correct order so that our Hero can roll into the spaceship.

As you move higher each level, some puzzles that look like they are easy to solve are not that easy and some that at first look you may find them hard to solve are actually very simple. That is what makes this game most interesting and exciting with unexpected elements and results.

The electronic music is creating the atmosphere like you are really out in space floating with the stars.
I know you will enjoy this game greatly. So go ahead, use your logics and help our Space Hero.

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