Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Learn Count to 10 with Bear and Friends for Kids

Do we all remember when the first time we started counting was? When was the first time we saw numbers and when was the first time we understood what numbers mean?

I guess the first time was in an early childhood, when somebody asked how old we are and we shoved 3 little fingers like “Hey I am three years old, can’t you count to three?”

To this day the easiest way for kids to count and to remember the numbers is by using their fingers. Maybe the best age to start teaching the kids about numbers at first from 1-10 is at the age of three. But what is the best way to teach them except by counting with the fingers? Of course the best way is to tell them a story, an interesting, imaginative story that will intrigue the kids, arouse their curiosity and eagerness to learn more.

Well, this educational video is by all means the right tool to teach your kids to count to ten in the funniest possible way. Of course don’t just run the video and leave the children alone to watch and repeat after the bear. No, no and no. Dear parents, tell them a story, animate them. Start with:

“Once upon a time, there was a magical forest .There lived the happiest and the cutest animals like a bear, a funny rabbit, a fox, an owl and a baby hedgehog. One day the bear felt hungry for pears and he decided to shake the tree and to collect 10 pears in his basket. He punched the tree and there came one pear. From some corner appears the funny rabbit with a board where the number of the collected pears is written. And so the counting started. One pear, two pears, three pears….repeat after the bear and every time a pear is collected you see the happy faces of the rabbit and the fox. Only the owl is a little bit upset because the tree the bear is shaking is his home. Finally the ten pears are in the basket and the bear is happy. But…. hey… there is a great surprise in the basket. A cute baby hedgehog was in the basket, ate all the pears and was crying for more. Of course because the forest was rich with trees and pears there was enough for the hungry little hedgehog and for all the animals. So everybody was happy.”

My dear parents, allow your kids to give the names to the animals, it would make the learning process easier and funnier.

The video is so simple but very educative. Not only that your kid will learn the numbers but also they’ll learn about an animals living in the forest, they will learn about pears like a very tasty fruit…and so their curiosity will be so much intrigued that you must be prepared to answer a lot of questions.

Join forces, parents and kids, be inventive, tell a story and teach at the same time, your kids will love to learn and have fun along the learning process.

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