Monday, April 3, 2017

Join the Vex Addiction - Vex 1, Vex 2 and Vex 3 on our site!

Now you can Join the Vex Addiction because Vex 1, Vex 2 and Vex 3 are available and free to play on our site! If you have no idea of what I’m writing about then my friend, you have made a big mistake.

The game is a must try!!! It’s just unbelievably fun and you will definitely improve your motor skills, not to mention shaking a bit your rusty the brain lol.

Start with Vex 1 and see how the game works. Each game has 9 very challenging levels and a lot of tricks. But the best part is that you have a lot of checkpoints. 

That means if you lose life, you won’t be back at start, but at the last checkpoint. The game is total addiction and you will enjoy it for sure, therefore don’t hesitate to try it. 
Enjoy the Vexation!!!

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