Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Barbie’s Date Rush is on!

When it comes to dates, the girls are getting super excited and they want everything to be in order and also perfect! Well today something has happened to Barbie. 

Barbie got a text from her boyfriend Ken, saying that that he will pick her up in one hour so he can take his girlfriend on a date. Okay, no problem! Oh, wait! There is a problem!!! 

Barbie is all messy and she only has one hour to get prepared! That is why we have to help Barbie friends. First we are styling Barbie’s messy hair and after we’re done with that, we have to clean her face with moisturizing tonics and creams.

When the cleaning is done, prepare for the perfect makeup and the last but not least are the clothing. You can choose two pieces or just one. It’s up to you girls! Barbie is ready for the date!

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