Monday, March 16, 2015

Baby Lisi in Morning Care game

Every kid must learn few things which are very important. Those are: to listen to what his parents have to say and to practice the things that are said to him.


For example, when all kids wake up in the morning they are all moody and don’t want to finish the morning activities, right? Well Baby Lisi is the exception dear kids!


When she woke up this morning, the first thing mommy told her was to gather all her toys because the room is messy and Baby Lisi did that of course. She is very good kid who listens to her parents. Then Baby Lisi went to the bathroom and cleaned her face, hands and brushed her teeth, so she can be freshened up for the breakfast.


Every kid must be disciplined and must maintain good hygiene because that is very important fact in life. We don’t want to be dirty and to spread bacteria’s, do we? Once the cleaning part is finished, Baby Lisi is dressed up and goes to have breakfast with daddy. 

However the pets are hungry too, so she must give them food of course. They all eat together and then Baby Lisi wants to play in her room with her toys. Will she play? She most certainly will, because she was a good girl who always listen’s mommy and daddy. Hurray!

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