Thursday, October 2, 2014

Baby Hazel has a Hand Fracture help her to recover rapidly

Oh, poor Baby Hazel! Bad day for our sweet little girl with Hazel eyes. She slipped and injured her hand badly while climbing up the chair. Maybe she fracture her hand. Baby Hazel needs a medical attention.

Baby Hazel was in playful mood as always. While Baby Hazel was drawing a picture she noticed that the colors are on the shelf. She climb up on the table but she couldn't keep balance and she felled down. Poor Baby Hazel! She needs urgent medical attention.

Go along with mom and Baby Hazel at the Doctor. The Doctor has confirmed that Baby Hazel fractured her elbow. The player task is to convince Baby Hazel to get a proper medical treatment.

Baby Hazel is in terrible pain but she is not pleased to take a medicine. The player assignment is to convince Baby Hazel to get her fractured elbow plastered.

When the fractured hand is plastered see what the Doctor have to say. Doctor will give some medical tips for speedy recovery. Try Baby Hazel to follow doctor advices.

As Baby Hazel can't move her plastered hand she needs your help more than ever. She can't complete her everyday routine activities. Be a good friend and perform all Baby Hazel needs. While you are helping Baby Hazel to freshen up mom will cook a delicious meal for her precious daughter.

While you are helping Baby Hazel to take a bath make sure her plaster cast to don't get wet. It's very hard to lie down comfortable with a plastered hand. Furthermore, as Baby Hazel can have a sleep remind her to make a exercises her fingers.

After a three weeks Baby Hazel visits a orthopedist again to check if her fractured hand is healed. As Baby Hazel was a good girl and she followed the orthopedist instructions her hand recover very fast.

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