Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Welcome to Le Casa De Dora

Holla amigos! If you want to know where our brainy girl Dora lives, than you are on the right place. Dora wishing you a worm welcome in her beautiful family house. Doras house is open. In every single game Dora is exploring something now it's your turn my little friend to explor Doras house.
In this wonderful game you will find out which is Doras favorite room, where she eats or where she sleeps. Peek in each room in Doras house. You will learn a lot of new things about this smart little girl. Multityde of surprises and stars are waiting for you in the Dora house.
In the living room is mom working at the computer and what else you can see - a big box with Doras family music instrument. Here in the living room you will make a music.
So, go ahead now is your chance to create a masterpiece. Don't forget about stars. Keep your eyes open. Thay are hidding all over the room. When you will catch a star they will go into the star pocket.

In Doras bedroom you will find a lot of interesting things. You along with Dora will play a bingo. In addition, Dora will revel you a lot of costumes. We all know that Dora loves to explors. Evereysingle time she is in some new adventure, from all that adventures you will have a chance to try costumes. In the kitchen Doras Dad is waiting for you. He wants to teach you some spanish recipes. Choose which recipe Dad wants to cook for you. Help him to find all the ingredients and he will cook for you.
In the back yard Dora has a beautiful little garden.You need to help Dora to corp a flowes. Chose your favorite flovers and corp them. Through the whole game you will find out a lot of stars. Collect them and go in Doras bedroom click on Star Pocket to see and count how many stars you've colect.

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