Friday, August 22, 2014

Baby Hazel maintains Bathroom Hygiene standards

Good morning kidos! A new day has just begun. Baby Hazel just wake up and came in the bathroom to do her morning routine activities and to clean her belly. However, when Baby Hazel saw in which condition is the bathroom she was shocked. Whole bathroom was mess, the accessories are dirty and the washbasin is clogged. As we said the hygiene is very important for healthy life. Maintaining the Bathroom Hygiene standards we are protecting ourselves from illness. That is why across this game we will learn Baby Hazel how to maintain a Bathroom Hygiene standards. Furthermore, Baby Hazel needs to establish a hygiene manners.

Baby Hazel came to the bathroom to clean her belly. Oh, no! Baby Hazel slipped and felled in the bathroom. She may injure herself because it is messy and she throws her stuff all over the bathroom. Baby Hazels Bathroom is messy and it stinks a lot. With this amazing educational game we will learn Baby Hazel and the children all over the world regulary to maintain a good hygiene standards for a healthier life.

This brainy little girl started to clean the bathroom. She throw all the garbage in the dust bin. Wher Baby Hazel stared to wash her hands and face, another surprise was waiting for her. The washbasin was clogged. Your task my frien is to help Baby Hazel to uncloge the washbasin drain and than help her to clean it nicely. OMG, busy with work Baby Hazel forget abot her belly. Never control pasing of urine it may lead to another health problem.

In the next stage Baby Hazel along with her Mom will celan the bathroom accessories. Horibble smell has speading from the toilet. That is why Baby Hazel called her Mom to help her in cleaning the bathroom accessories. Be with Mom and Baby Hazel while they are performing a bathroom cleaning activities and fulfill all their needs on time.

The bathroom is clean now but Baby Hazel need a little bit refreshing. Prepare a nice bubbly tub and bath this cute little baby. Baby Hazel loves hers toys don't forget to put them in the tub. Use Baby Hazels favorite liquid shampoo and soap and clean her nicely. Than dress up Baby Hazel in her new beautiful purple dress. Prepare Baby Hazel, becouse maybe a new adventure is waiting for her right now. This is a wonderful educational game and every child should play it.

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