Monday, July 28, 2014

Dora and Friends It's Concert Day - Dora The Explorer - Fun Baby Game

Olla amigos! Bien venidos! Yes my dear friends, you must guessing. I will present you one wonderful game with Dora and her friends. It's Concert Day! Yuppie! Always it's a pleasure to play a game with this smart little girl. From every game with this brainy girl Dora you may draw a lesson and you can learn something new. From this game your sweet child can lean how important the friendship is and how exciting is to organize a benefit concert where you can sing.  Dora and Friends are organizing a benefit concert and your task is to help them. Dora and Friends are raising a money for articolini cafe and they need your help around organization.

Fantastico!!! First thing that you have to do is to help Dora to decorate the stage for tonights concert. Choose a backroung for thir stage, pick a picture from offerd one.
Pablo is here with a sheet music for the concert. Oh no! The wind blew all the sheet music. But thats why our smart little gril is here. She has a solution for every problem. Dora has an brilliant idea. She suggested to Pablo thay can collect all music sheet with their bikes. Vamos! Help them bike trought playa verde and to collect all music sheets for the concert tonight. You can control your bike with arrow keys so you can collect all music sheets. But be careful for the sand and puddles. If you slap in puddle or sand you will lose the music sheet that you alredy collected. The arrow mark will give you a supper speed. Collect all music sheets for the benefit concert.

Olla Kate and Naya! They came with the ballons with wich they will decorate the stage. Oh no, wind again! Wind blew all balloons. They needs thet balloons for the decoration the stage. Dora will use the charm brachelete so they can fly on a magical bird. They must gather all balloons. But be careful on black couds and wind gusts.  When you finish with gathering ballons chose a lights for the show. Dora is great thinker that's why all friend and kids adore her.
One more trouble happened. The delivery truck had a bump and all the musical instruments have fallen into the manhole. Now Dora, Alana and Emma will go to find them trough watery tunels. Be with them and help them to collect all musical instrument for tonights concert. When you finish all job than you can enjoy Dora's Band and this wonderful concert.

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