Monday, July 28, 2014

Dora and Friends It's Concert Day - Dora The Explorer - Fun Baby Game

Olla amigos! Bien venidos! Yes my dear friends, you must guessing. I will present you one wonderful game with Dora and her friends. It's Concert Day! Yuppie! Always it's a pleasure to play a game with this smart little girl. From every game with this brainy girl Dora you may draw a lesson and you can learn something new. From this game your sweet child can lean how important the friendship is and how exciting is to organize a benefit concert where you can sing.  Dora and Friends are organizing a benefit concert and your task is to help them. Dora and Friends are raising a money for articolini cafe and they need your help around organization.

Fantastico!!! First thing that you have to do is to help Dora to decorate the stage for tonights concert. Choose a backroung for thir stage, pick a picture from offerd one.
Pablo is here with a sheet music for the concert. Oh no! The wind blew all the sheet music. But thats why our smart little gril is here. She has a solution for every problem. Dora has an brilliant idea. She suggested to Pablo thay can collect all music sheet with their bikes. Vamos! Help them bike trought playa verde and to collect all music sheets for the concert tonight. You can control your bike with arrow keys so you can collect all music sheets. But be careful for the sand and puddles. If you slap in puddle or sand you will lose the music sheet that you alredy collected. The arrow mark will give you a supper speed. Collect all music sheets for the benefit concert.

Olla Kate and Naya! They came with the ballons with wich they will decorate the stage. Oh no, wind again! Wind blew all balloons. They needs thet balloons for the decoration the stage. Dora will use the charm brachelete so they can fly on a magical bird. They must gather all balloons. But be careful on black couds and wind gusts.  When you finish with gathering ballons chose a lights for the show. Dora is great thinker that's why all friend and kids adore her.
One more trouble happened. The delivery truck had a bump and all the musical instruments have fallen into the manhole. Now Dora, Alana and Emma will go to find them trough watery tunels. Be with them and help them to collect all musical instrument for tonights concert. When you finish all job than you can enjoy Dora's Band and this wonderful concert.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Disney Princess Elsa's Babysiter - Frozen Disney Cartoon Game Movie


Hello my friends! If Disney Cartoon Frozen is your favorite fairy tale story than this game is perfect match for you. In Arendelle fair kingdom a ruler did appear. Meet Elsa our beautiful little girl with secret power. Princess Elsa is also very well known as The Snow Queen. Baby Elsa's mom Queen Idun and her dad the King of Arendelle must leave from the royal palace for a few days. They made the announcement that they are seeking for the best and the most careful babysitter in the whole kingdom to take care of their precious daughter Elsa.

Meet Elsa sweet little princess from kingdom of Arendelle. This adorable princess yearns for your atention. She is so beautiful and gentle that when you start to play this amazing game you will love this helpless creature. When you start to play this game you will realize that your help is needed for raising Baby Elsa but the most important is to show her love and care. The aim of this game is about love and caring. The only prerequisite to play this game is to make happy Baby Elsa and realy to enjoy playing this fun babysitting game.

Prepare our beautiful princess Elsa to have a bath. Prepare a bublly tub. Wash baby Elsa body and hair. Use her favorite shampoo and soap. Look around in the bathroom, all required items are here. So give a nice bath to our sweet little princes and make sure that she is satesfied and happy. Afther the bath is finished, the game continues with the every girl favorite part. Do you want to gues what next part is? Yes my dear friend the next part is dressing up. Start with cahnging dipper. Put a new clean dipper to this cute Baby Elsa. Than dress up her in the beautiful princess dress. Don't forget about shiny tiara.   

Baby Elsa fill feel hungy afther the bath. Feed her plece. Put a bep with a design of her best friend Olaf. And the lunch can start. Give her favorite meal. Afther the meal clean her nice. Then give her to dink milk is Baby Elsas favorite drink. Than clean her again.                                       

In the next part your job it will be to entertain this adorable baby. Play with, give her all her favorite toys like cute tedy bear, beautiful show princess doll and olaf. Bbay Elsas love to draws, so help her to draw a nice picture. Pmper and chares this adorable baby princess. Fulfil all her needs. But be awere of time becouse is limited. After all day long caring and playing with Baby Elsa it's time for prepare this cute princess to go to seep. Put a nice pair of pajamas and read her a nice story. Good night Prnicess Elsa!


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Baby Hazel Ballerina Dance - Baby Bathing Game - Educational Baby Game

Hello my friends! It's a wonderful pleasure to begin your day with our brainy little girl Baby Haze. This smart little girl with pony tails every time verifies that learning a new thing can be very fanny. Baby Hazel is in that edge when she wants to learn everything and throughout every single game it shows a completely different experience. Join our cute little girl Baby Hazel in the new adventure named- Baby Hazel Ballerina Dance. Today Baby Hazel for the first time will visit Ballerina Dance school. You must be with her to boost her confidence because she is a little bit shy and nervous.

Baby Hazel Ballerina Dance is an amazing educational game for little children . Baby Hazel has showed a great love for dancing and she has one wish - when she will grow up  to become a famous ballerina. Mom knowing that, has got an excellent idea. She enrolled Baby Hazel on the Ballerina Dance School. Today is Baby Hazel first Ballerina Dance class and she is overexcited about that. She needs to get ready for her first class and you need to assist her to get ready. Because you need to help Baby Hazel to relax i suggest you to prepare a relaxing bath for her. But don't worry mom is here to help you with few surprises for Baby Hazel. She pu in the bubbly tub a lot of ballerina dolls and also she has a surprise gift for her darling. Baby Hazel will be delighted about this you will see.

When you finish with bathing, help Baby Hazel to prepare for her first ballet class. Look how happy is our beatiful little girl with hers new ballerina dolls. Mom both for her wonderful new ballerina outfit. Dress up Baby Hazel in the new blue dress, add hers new shiny accessories. Hers pet Bruno wants to go with Baby Hazel on Ballerina Dance class but nothing can surprise Baby Hazel she has both a new outfit for Bruno also.

Finally, Baby Hazel has  reached on her first class. But now she is felling a little bit unsecure and shy. Uplift Bbay Hazel confidence and convince her to stay on the class. Her BFF Mia is here so together step by step they will ster to dance. Dancing is so funny help Baby Hazel to learn new dancing steps. All the time keep Baby Hazel happy and motivated. You will be surprise how fast she will adjust with the rest of the group. Again Baby Hazel proves that she is very intelegent and if you really want somthing you should not give up easy. Only with persistence you can achieve your goal. Sincerely i recomand you this wonderful game. Have lots and lots fun playing Baby Hazel Ballerina Dance game.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Happy Baby - Fun Baby Game - Baby Caring Game

Do you want to know how is to look after a little baby? Than you have luck, the aim of this game is exactly that. You need to take care of this cute little baby. Happy Baby is a fun baby care game with safe content. This game is so simple but adicting and irresistible, don't miss it. Your task is simple because the baby will tell you his needs and you need to fulfill exactly those needs. If you want this cute litte baby to keep the smile on his face you need to good take care of him.

Yupieee! It's time for babysitting. Look that Happy Baby, isn't he perfect. This Happy Baby yearns for your attention. Now is the right time to show your babysitting skills. Being a babysitter is so demanding job. Prepare yourself to do everything that mom does. Taking care of little baby is not easy at all, babies are so demanding. You will hear only demands, demans, demands. So what are you saying, are you accepting this challenge? Do you want to test your babysitting skills? This sweet little baby is eagerly waithig for you.

Meet the most beautiful baby in thw whole world. He is very beautiful and happy baby who obviosly loves to eat. Look around him in the kitchen, it has so meny different foods. I suppose this sweet little baby has enormous appetite, but that is understandable because this little baby needs to grow up. So make this adorable baby happy and feed him. Don't stop keep feeding him, give him to eat everything that he will ask for. Listen to that sounds whan he is eating. So sweet! So what are you waitng for, the plaesure is all yours. You have to take care of this cute baby and feed him. Be with him and keep him happy by fulfilling all his wishes.

After a good portion it's time to change his clothes. From that much food left stains on his clothes. Choose new clean outfit and make him to look even more beautiful. Mix and match all available clothes, hat and shoes. You have clothes in many different colors, try all but chose that one then the baby like the most, than you will hear the most beautiful smile in the world. When you finish with dress up, decorate the baby stroller. Pamper and cuddle this adorable baby so he will be happy all the time.



Sunday, July 13, 2014

Baby Hazel Laundry Time - Fun Baby Game Video - Educational Kids Movie

Good morning little ones! The new day has dawn. It's always a real pleasure to start your day learning something new while you are playing Baby Hazel games. In every single game Baby Hazel established good habits and this is a fun way to learn something new. Join our little Baby Hazel with pony tails, rose chicks and hazel eyes in this new adventure. It's laundry time! Today Baby Hazel will learn how to wash and dry her clothes. You must help her and make her happy. Help Baby Hazel to separete white from colored clothes so she can wash it. Laundry proces also involves drying and ironing slothes. Just interact with this sweet little baby and you will know what to do.

As always cute Baby Hazel is in a playful mood. She is in the backyard playing with her pet Katy. I suppose she didn't notice that sky. All the sudden, bright sky was covered with dark clouds which triggering rain. While Baby Hazel and her cute cat Katy were playing, clumsy little Katy splashed Hazel's dress with mud. Oh poor Baby Hazel, now she is upset. All her dress is muddy. She must take some measures. Baby Hazel has a brilliant idea. She will wash her clothes. Be with Baby Hazel and Katy make them happy by fulfiling their needs on time.

Baby Hazel washed her clothes, but when she took out the clothes from washing machine a surprise was waitng for her. All white clothes were with colored patches. Mom was kind with her little girl, but to don't happen anaing she decided to teach her little princess all the laundry process. It's time Baby Hazel to know some washing tips. Step by step mom will explain her all laundry process which includes washing, drying and ironing clothes. Help Baby Hazel to operate with washing machine and to separete white from colored clothes. No matter that all of this is so new for Baby Hazel she is learning so fast.

Now Baby Hazel knows how to wash and dry clothes but what is coming after. I will tell you my little friend. It's time all clothes to be iron and set in wardrobe. But Baby Hazel is too young for ironing she may burn herself. That;s why mom will iron all cloths and Hazel will set them in the wardrobe. Make sre Baby Hazel to set all the clothes neatly so mom will appreciate Hazel's quick learning skill and everything she has done today.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Baby Hazel Summer Fun - Fun Baby Video Game - Summer Fun Kids Video

As Baby Hazel's life is full with adventures consequently you are learning from those adventures too by playing and watching Baby Hazel games. She really knows hot to live the life and to do everythig that she wants to do. It's a wonderful experience to play Baby Hazel games.

Summer time!!! Summer has arrived which leads to an increased temperatures. The summer heat is on the peak. That's make our beautiful Baby Hazel to sweat. Oh poor Baby Hazel. But as always our sweet Baby Hazel has a brilliant idea how to beat the heat. First she will take a refreshing shower. After the bath don't forget to apply a sun screen lotion to protect her skin from high UV rays. We don't want our cute little girl to have a sun burns. Her skin is so sensitive so take protective measures to avoid sunburns. Dress up Baby Hazel with comfortable cotton dress.

After the bath Baby Hazel become lively. Now she wants to get rid from everyday routine and to do something creative. Our brainy girl has stunning idea to make a summer crafts. She wants to prepare a colorful hand-fan and umbrella how she will relief from the high temperatures. 

Your task is to help her to accomplish that, so be wtih her and give her all necessary items.

Baby Hazel really knows how to enjoy life. She spends her relaxed moments in the backyard with her pet Kitty. Baby Hazel is lounging in the swimming pool and drinking refreshing driks. She realy enjoys outdoor summer games. Assure that Baby Hazel is wearing a sunglasses and het to protect her from sun burning. What a wonderful summer day, full with excitement and fun. Have a lot of fun playing Baby Hazel Summer Fun game.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Baby Hazel Granny House - Baby Kids Video Games HD-Baby Movie

Since it’s vacation time Baby Hazel is going to visit her Granny and you can imagine how excited she is about the trip and how will she manage in the countryside life! They are traveling to her Granny’s house by train and she has the chance to see the beauty of the nature and she uses that moment to take pictures so she can remind herself one day about the first trip to Granny’s House. When they arrive there Granny has kept delicious food ready for her Granddaughter however that is not the only thing she has for Baby Hazel! Granny also preserved old age items for her! What happens next and how the vacation continues it’s on you to find out my dear kiddos by fulfilling their needs and believe it or not, you will be surprised with what this game has to offer.

Another full episode of Baby Hazel games and this time she has decided to visit Granny's House! This full episode of Baby Hazel Granny's House is in English, for little kids and babies which they can enjoy watching this fun video and other Baby Hazel videos if they like! And who doesn't like Baby Hazels videos? Well my kids the full movie starts with Baby Hazel and Granny traveling with the train to Granny's village and on their way there Baby Hazel has the chance to experience new things and see the beauty of the nature. When they arrive to Granny's house, Granny has kept very special delicious food so you will see that the player needs to fulfill their needs all the time. Granny also preserved old age items for her so you can see how happy Baby Hazel is when she is looking at them. This full episode continues with Baby Hazel and Granny going on shopping and how the granddaughter saves her Granny from falling. Remember kids, you need to love you family like Baby Hazel does. When they come back from shopping Baby Hazel joins her Grandpa in gardening and after all that is done the video finishes with their family evening together. Amazing right?

Check out Free Play Now:

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Baby Lisi Newborn Brother ☼ Fun Baby Movie ☼ Newborn Caring Baby Game

It is always my pleasure to present you a new game with our popular smart Baby Lisi. Baby Fun New Born Brother is a magnificent baby sibling care game, suitable for children of all ages. This game shows that love and care of bigger sister to wards newborn brother is priceless. New Born Brother means endless happiness for our sweet little girl Baby Lisi.

Yuppie, little baby angel has come. Welcome baby boy! While Baby Lisi was playing in the yard her mom got a childbirth contraction. OMG! Daddy is confused and over excited. Our smart little Baby Lisi suggested him to call an ambulance.

 While Baby Lisi was waiting her parents to come back from hospital with a newborn brother, she invited her friends to show them hers new born brother. 

Our Sweet Baby Lisi is overjoyed about newly arrived member in her family. Her excitement goes forth as it comes time her parents to return home with her little brother. What a great felling! Baby Lisi can't wait her brother to reach home. Baby Lisi is eagerly waiting to her little brother....

... The baby boy arrived home. Mom brings newborn baby boy with a lot of happiness at home. Now, Lisi as elder sister must comfort her baby brother. Everything will be different now. Lisi should be an example to her brother. 
While Mom is resting Baby Lisi is pampering and cherishing hers little brother. Lisi keeps nourishing her little brother with love and tries to fulfill all his needs. 

Our darling Lisi plays with her little brother, offers him a toys, reads him a book, entertain him, helps mom to change him a dipper..... Hurry! Having a baby at home brings joy. New Born Baby Boy became a center of the Lisi world. 

Our darling Lisi spends quality time with her new born brother. All day long she was pampering him. But now it's a time for new born baby boy to go to sleep. Baby Lisi is helping her mom to make a baby boy to sleep. Furthermore, cute little Lisi must go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day! Play this adictive baby caring came and see how our sweet little girl Lisi is taking care of her new born baby brother.