Friday, September 13, 2013

Baby Hazel Playdate Double Trouble

O, dear me…kids do grow up fast. Baby Hazel has a date, well a playdate actually. Baby Jake is her playdate friend, cute little boy who likes to have fun just like Baby Hazel and is as same demanding as our Hazel is. I'll say, double trouble my kids. Now you have to make two babies happy otherwise you know the score-double trouble. Arm yourself with a lot of patience and play this really, really exciting game.
Baby Hazel Playdate

For the first time in Baby Hazel's games we meet a member of her family. It's Hazel's mom and you can see the resemblance right away. She is driving Baby Hazel at Jake's house to play together. Hazel is bored a little, her mom is talking on her mobile, so you have to entertain Hazel. She also wants to speak on her toy mobile, make sure that she does that. Pet the cute dog and feed him, feed Hazel by the way, to cut the story short, make sure that she is occupied with something while the trip to Jake's is over.

Now let us meet Baby Jake and his mom. The mothers started their favorite job right away, that is talking and the babies are on their own to have fun. Look at them, they are a cute couple, just wait to see how they get along playing. Baby Jake is well equipped with interesting toys so they have a plenty things to do. They played a while but it's time for their "beauty sleep".


They took a quick nap and are so ready to go on with the fun. They share their toys and are getting along so fine. Baby Hazel is in the toy car and Baby Jake rides the rocking toy horse. Peace on earth. Once in a while you have to give them a bottle of milk or a lollipop, just to regain their strength. The mothers are still talking.

Hey, there is their first "dispute" over the telephone toy and the toy is broken. There goes the harmony, hello tears. Solve the problem as quickly as you can, playing with the train is a good solution.

Take Hazel and Jake in the backyard, they can play outside for a while. See, there are a lot of interesting things to do there also. Jake has a small pool in the backyard, a swing, a sand pool and other interesting gadgets. Well as much as you like to see them get along, they did fight a lot but it was all for fun. Baby Jake is a boy after all and tends to pick on girls and Hazel is a girl who wants to tease boys. All so normal. Let them play and fight, no harm there, after a day like this they will sleep like a babies…literally.

See, no mistake playing our games with Baby Hazel and now her new friend, Baby Jake. It's fun all day long.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Baby Hazel At Beach Sweet Summer Day

 O, that Baby Hazel. She is everywhere she wants to be and is doing everything she wants to do. A very busy baby I say, her life is full with adventures therefore you are living her adventures too by playing Baby Hazel's games. You know what I think? That is so awesome, one day you are on the beach, next day you play with snow and the things you learn by the way…jolly good.
Speaking about a beach, let's see how Hazel is preparing for that occasion. At first glance you realize that she needs a lot of stuff to pack for one single day on the beach. That's Hazel my kids, she wants to have a full experience in everything she does. Your assignment is to help her accomplish that, so help her pack all the things she needs or she think she needs. The pink "bug" is loaded and off to the beach.

Hazel really knows how to enjoy, look at her lying on the beach, all the great and necessary things around her. Drink is ready, toys are all around but most important thing is that we don't want for Hazel to have sun burns, so it’s mandatory to use some sun screen lotion. There are a lot of things you can do on the beach, one of them is swimming. Look how happy she is in the water in her cute swim suit, splashing and splashing.
After a good swim, she needs to be dried with the soft towel so she can go on with her beach activities. Collecting shells, building sand castles, playing with ball and all the things you can imagine. It's good to be Hazel, huh?

Great day on the beach, full with excitement and activities but time to hit the road and go home. Change the swimming suit in that cottage behind and again pack all the thing and load the car. The day is over but the adventures with Hazel are far from over, let's just wait and see what the next surprise is.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Baby Hazel Skin Care Winter Tale

Winter time. Snow outside and never-ending happiness for Baby Hazel. She can play outside in the snow whole day making snow angels, playing with snow balls and so many other games you can imagine. Let's face it boys and girls, you all love winter games and it is a greatest fun making Snow Man or hit the girls with snow balls. Super cool. You can stay out until your fingers started to freeze or your parents started to yell at you to come home on warm. Well, that is the magic of the snow.
Baby Hazel is no exception and she was out whole day and walked in the house all covered in snow, from head to toes. Her cheeks are red from the cold but she is happy. She instantly got rid of the snowy clothes and went in the bathroom for a hot bath.

 We know that Hazel is a very tidy girl and always takes good care about her skin and her health. Help her to take a nice and warm bath, if she cries fill the bath tub with her favorite toys and just enjoy playing with her. Wrap her in her soft blanket and take care of her body and skin.

Use the baby lotion and look, she even has a lip balm. Change her diaper and dress her in her winter pink dress, socks and hat. She looks cute doesn't she?

You know, playing in the snow raises your appetite and after the hot bath the best thing that follows is foooooooooooood.Just look at Hazel, she is so hungry so go ahead and feed her. Tough job. Prepare her baby cereals and listen how greedy she is munching her food. Makes you want to join her. Sweet. She wants some more, so I guess that is some carrot juice that you have to make for her in the juicer? Never mind, it is some kind of baby food and she was very hungry after all. Even her cute dog is eating with her and is very happy when she pets him.

Finally she is very happy, her skin is shining after the treatment, she is well fed and yes she had a fine day playing in the snow. Can it be better than that? Actually it can because tomorrow is a new day and the snow is waiting to play with.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Baby Hazel Hygiene Care Clean Day

It's always so fun to play with Baby Hazel, I said it couple of times and it turned out to be true. Only when you see her cute face and pony tails you know that the following time you spend playing with Hazel will be just awesome. Since we promised a lot of fun and new things concerning Hazel, we are keeping our promises and so we offer you this gorgeous game Baby Hazel Hygiene Care.
 Find out how to have an amusing time while you take care of your personal hygiene, something that is most important for you kids to establish those habits since early age. See how Hazel is doing that.
She just got home from playing, that is my good guess and her clothes are dirty. Hazel is a very responsible child and she knows that dirty clothes should be washed in the washing machine. 

She filled the machine with her clothes, adds the detergent and turns on the machine. After the washing is over she uses the drying machine to dry her clothes and then comes the ironing. You have noticed by now how neat she is haven't you? 
She ironed the clothes and put them away in the basket. She picked up the dress and the slippers and yet she doesn't feel fresh enough. Our tidy little girl needs to wash her face and cut her fingernails.
Take a good look at Hazel's bathroom, she has a tiger shower can you believe it? So cute. Time to gargle, yes she gargles a lot. She washed her mouth first and then her teeth. See how thorough she is doing everything, from washing the face to cleaning the toothbrush, follow her example kids. She sneezed and right away she uses a tissue.

What is the most important thing we learn since little? Yes, wash our hands before the meal. That is what Hazel did before she started to eat and remember it boys and girls, always wash your hands before you eat. Not only that, after the meal Hazel cleaned up the mess and she washed the dirty utensils. 

Now isn't that great? Hazel is such a hygiene nut and a great help to her parents because she can take care of her own personal hygiene and so should you my sweetie pies. Just do what Hazel does and you'll be cool and clean kids.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Baby Hazel In Disneyland Land of Fun

Baby Hazel is living her dream boys and girls. She is going to Disneyland with her parents and she is very thrilled about that. Who wouldn't be thrilled? Guess what? You are going to Disneyland along with Hazel by playing this super cool super awesome and super fun game.
Baby Hazel in Disneyland
Just take a good look at her face and you'll know how happy she is and she is not even there. As soon as she arrives she meets with the most famous mice in the whole world Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Like any good tourist she has a camera around her neck and she took a picture immediately. She is not even a Japanese.

Disneyland offers a great fun you will have problem what to do first but don't worry it's a long day and with Hazel's adventurous spirit you will manage to see everything. You can make your own cotton candy and choose a flavor you like the most. Than you can visit the tunnel of fear and meet the mummy, don't be afraid like Hazel did it's only a show and the beautiful mermaid will comfort you. Nice, a?

If you want to win a doll or a stuffed toy play the shooting games with Mickey and Minnie. Don't forget to take a picture.
Then it's time to go for a ride with the train or to swirl around with the carousel. Hazel got a bit dizzy but very soon she recovered and she is off to the next funny place. She feels a bit tired so she took a rest with Donald Duck on the bench and she refreshed a bit with some crackers and some juice. I think that the game is too small to reflex all the things you can do in Disneyland but that is why your imagination is infinite and of course there is always the next time.
What else can I say as a conclusion than Oh my Goodness, totally incredible game like all games with Baby Hazel.What especially got my attention is the music in the game and Cyndi Lauper's "Girl just wanna have fun". True, we all want to have fun.