Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Baby Hazel Skin Care Winter Tale

Winter time. Snow outside and never-ending happiness for Baby Hazel. She can play outside in the snow whole day making snow angels, playing with snow balls and so many other games you can imagine. Let's face it boys and girls, you all love winter games and it is a greatest fun making Snow Man or hit the girls with snow balls. Super cool. You can stay out until your fingers started to freeze or your parents started to yell at you to come home on warm. Well, that is the magic of the snow.
Baby Hazel is no exception and she was out whole day and walked in the house all covered in snow, from head to toes. Her cheeks are red from the cold but she is happy. She instantly got rid of the snowy clothes and went in the bathroom for a hot bath.

 We know that Hazel is a very tidy girl and always takes good care about her skin and her health. Help her to take a nice and warm bath, if she cries fill the bath tub with her favorite toys and just enjoy playing with her. Wrap her in her soft blanket and take care of her body and skin.

Use the baby lotion and look, she even has a lip balm. Change her diaper and dress her in her winter pink dress, socks and hat. She looks cute doesn't she?

You know, playing in the snow raises your appetite and after the hot bath the best thing that follows is foooooooooooood.Just look at Hazel, she is so hungry so go ahead and feed her. Tough job. Prepare her baby cereals and listen how greedy she is munching her food. Makes you want to join her. Sweet. She wants some more, so I guess that is some carrot juice that you have to make for her in the juicer? Never mind, it is some kind of baby food and she was very hungry after all. Even her cute dog is eating with her and is very happy when she pets him.

Finally she is very happy, her skin is shining after the treatment, she is well fed and yes she had a fine day playing in the snow. Can it be better than that? Actually it can because tomorrow is a new day and the snow is waiting to play with.

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