Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sleeping Beauty the Greatest Kiss

When I was little girl my favorite fairy tale was the story of the Sleeping Beauty. I have read every possible story edited and watched almost every cartoon or movie version of the story. Now that I am grown-up…I'm still loving it and still enjoy it with the same romantic notion as before. The prospect of Prince Charming fighting against all odds to save the Sleeping Beauty with the kiss was very appealing and still is the most romantic act that any man can do…of course in the fairy tales.
Sleeping Beauty

Enough with the sweet talk, get ready for the most unusual game about Sleeping Beauty and her rescuer. When I say unusual I do mean that but also I have to say the funniest game ever, I am still laughing after I played it couple of times.
What's making this game so unusual? Well for a start this is a totally kissing game,kiss,kiss,kiss……You cannot help it but smile, admit it.Well in this game our Princess has fallen asleep but she kind of went to far with her beauty sleep. Sound asleep. The only way to wake her up is the kiss from her beloved Prince. Ohhh my and what a kiss!!!A loooong, very long kiss, the Prince must not stop kissing her only until the evil witch turn to see them kissing. 

Here is the whole catch of the game. You must not let the evil witch catch them kissing and believe me you wouldn't want to hear her awful screaming if  by any chance she sees what is going behind her back.

 Also you have to be careful about the timing, you must, and I mean the Prince must kiss the Sleeping Beauty within the time limits or otherwise you will lose the game. While the kissing you also have small tasks to do, like comb the Princesses hair, or cuddle the cat and the most interesting moment when the maid enters the room and she fancies the Prince…try to notice the expression on the Sleeping girls face. Priceless.

That is about all about this game…easy to play, just 3 levels of kissing and smooching but quite enough to make our couple a happy couple. 

All my romantic souls and kissing and smooching lovers, this game is made for you and I am sure you will have a tones of fun playing it.

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