Saturday, December 8, 2012

Undeadified - Arrow Action Zombie Defence Game by BOKGames

Play Undeadified Game

Prepare yourself to save the city from the Undeadified, forget about pop-corn and snacks. Your fingers will be busy throwing the darts at the monsters that are coming up faster and faster each level-up. This is a very exciting game which requires full-attention and very fast fingers. The music is making the game even more attractive and when you hear the swooshy sound like popping a balloon, the funniest moment of all-you will know the monster is dead. 

By the way you make money for each monster destroyed to buy power-up’s that makes you stronger and more powerful…how cool is that??? .The city is saved and you are a hero.
Try this game-you won’t regreat it…it’s pure fun. 

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