Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Baby Hazel Sibling Trouble - Baby Hazel Game movie- Baby Fun Video

It's always a real pleasure to play Baby Hazel. Only when you see that beautiful hazel eyes you know that a new adventure follows. Baby Hazel is in that edge when everything seems new and interesting. 

But she is very smart little girl and she learns as much as she can from everyday life. Baby Hazel is involved in a lot of adventure which are providing a totally different experience. Today we will present you a new game called Baby Hazel Sibling Trouble.

Find out what will happen in this fun baby game. As Hazels Mom and Dad were invited to attend a party, they were looking for careful babysitter to take care of their beautiful children. They found a Nanny, but did they make the right choice? It seem that the Nanny was a little bit tired. All the time she enjoyed quick naps and the rest of the time she spoke on her cell phone.

But we all know our beautiful little girl with hazel eyes, she seeks for attention. She wants to have a fun and she wants her needs to be fulfilled on time otherwise there would be trouble. But Hazel is not alone, here is her beautiful brother Baby Matt which is also demanding like his sis. Oh yeah my little friend double trouble is waiting this poor nanny.

While Baby Matt and Nanny were trying to rest Baby Hazel is acting up. She is troubling babysitter by playing mischief with her. It is likely thet this sweaty know how to be naughty and make their babysitter have a headache... . not only she make her slip on a banana peel, but she also play the music loud and wake up her cute little brother. 

Nanny was trying to keep Hazel busy by giving her a different tasks. But it turned out opposite. All the time Baby Hazel was keeping the Nanny occupied by making her to clean the mess, to take care of Baby Matt, to prepare their favorite food and to feed them etc.

When they completed the lunch they went in the play room. While Baby Hazel was playing with her logo blocks Baby Matt was mischievous and he broke hers tower. Oh no, there was their first fight. Baby Hazel doesn't want to share her toys. Solve the problem as fast as you can and keep our precious babies happy. Maybe they were fighting a lot but it was all for fun. It is all so normal.

These cute little babies were waiting for their Mom to bring them to bed, but she called and informed the Nanny that she will be late. It seem that Baby Hazel and Matt are quite a challenge for nanny. It is late and nanny tell to little babies to go to bed. 

It's always a real pleasure to play Baby Hazel. Only when you see that beautiful hazel eyes you know that a new adventure follows. Baby Hazel is in that edge when everything seems new and interesting. 

There is no way for nanny to make this sweet babies to sleep. Baby Hazel done some activities at dark to trouble their babysitter. If you want to know what will happen, than my dear friend start to play this amazing game. Have lots and lots fun playing this game. It will definitely make you laugh.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dora The Explorer Learning Alphabet ABC Game HD-Dora Episodes for Children

Dora The Explorer Learning Alphabet ABC Game HD-Dora Episodes for Children on Onlinekidsgames

Here's another adventure gameplay for kids and babies with the amazing Dora the Explorer! This time Dora is traveling to the Alphabet Forest and you must wonder why? Well in the beginning of this full episode of Dora Alphabet Forest Adventure Game you will see that Dora and Boots were reading the alphabet book when suddenly strong wind came along and did something terrible! The wind blew away all letters from the alphabet book and it took them to the Alphabet Forest! The gameplay continues with the surprised face of Dora and Boots and how the only solution is to go there and find the letters. In this full movie of Dora Alphabet Forest Adventure Game you will see that the video is educational and the kids have the chance to learn the alphabet letter by letter as Dora goes through the forest and finds them all. Meanwhile the kids can travel with Dora and Boots to ABC Tree, over Alphabet River and through the Letter Cave and they can gather Explorer Stars that will help lead the way just like in this video in English. Have fun with Dora the Explorer!

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