Monday, July 29, 2013

Baby Hazel Hair Care Goldie Locks

It's Baby Hazel time again. She became very famous baby by now and one of your favorite characters to play with. Of course she did, look how cute she is, who can possibly resist her charms. This time Hazel's hair grows too long and you have to take care of that.
Doing a haircut is like going to a dentist so our Hazel is a bit nervous. You have to calm her down and keep her amused with the toys while you are cutting her golden hair. Do your wizardry with the scissors and make her look even cuter. After you finish with the haircut clean her face with the soft brush from little hairs left. She is happy now, see?
Our baby has a little problem with the dandruff, so you have to take care of the dandruff too. Massage her scalp gently with baby oil and with a few strokes with comb you will remove all the dandruff that will stay on the towel around her neck. Don't forget to play with her all the way the cleaning process.
Now it's time for a good baby bath. Fill the bath tub with water and don't forget to put Hazel in the tub. Of course a hair has to be washed after the haircut. Give Hazel a nice hair wash, careful not to make her cry because a little water or a shampoo might go in her eyes and that is rather unpleasant. Rinse the foam gently with the shower and as I said before fill her baby tub with lot of toys so she can play while you are doing your job. 

After the nice bath remove her in the next room dressed in her bathrobe and give her hair a final touch with the comb. Dress her in the clothes already prepared for her and tie her hair with those colorful hairclips. She looks great now, doesn't she? Furthermore she is very happy with her new looks and her new costume, ship-shaped from head to toe.

My precious kids I really recommend for you to play all the games with baby Hazel because they are not just interesting and funny, also because you will learn a lot from her experiences .Enjoying and learning – the best way. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Baby Hazel Funtime Fun All Day

It's Baby Hazel Funtime. Remember little Hazel? This is one of the serial games with Baby Hazel and this time it is all about having fun. Do everything that is in your power to help Hazel have the most fun.

From the moment she opens her eyes early in the morning, baby Hazel is so ready to have fun all day long. But first she must be clean and sparkly so she can play with you freely and with clean diapers. She cannot stand being unclean, so you must change her pooped diaper. Put the baby blanket under her and start the messy job. 

 Change the diaper and clean her with baby wipes. Her happy smile shows you how good she feels all cleaned up. Look at the hearts circling around. That means she is satisfied.

The main rule in every kid's life is that you cannot play on an empty stomach. So it's feeding time. Prepare a bottle with milk for Hazel following the steps she gives. First you have to sterilize the bottle to destroy the invisible germs. Then pour the milk in the clean bottle and warm it on a correct temperature so that Hazel won't burn her tongue. If she gets messy, like every baby does, clean her mouth with the wipes on the table. Don't make her cry.

Now that she is all cleaned up and properly fed up you can go on with the fun. She wants to play with her toys and there are a plenty of interesting toys. Give her what she wants to play with. Play with the cute little duck, give her a ball to jump up and down or play with her moving doll. You can also play some music with the baby keyboard or play with that rubber clown. Plenty of toys to play and a lot of fun to have. That is our Baby Hazel, always ready to have a good time.
Quite an extraordinary game, like all games with Baby Hazel because she is one cute little girl that wants to be happy. Watch the happy meter and you will know if you are doing a good job. Make sure to see a lot of hearts flying around and your mission is accomplished.

Baby Sick Day Cure Lucy

This is one of those days you wish never happened. A cute little baby woke up sick with fever. That is so hard and sad to bare but you have to be strong for the sake of the baby and try to make her sick day as easy as you can. You have to take a good care of her and take her to a pediatrician. The very thought of going to a doctor raises your hair up, I know, but what has to be done has to be done.
Baby Sick Day
O dear, look at those bright eyes, she doesn't feel well, she has a temperature and a mild cough. First thing you have to do is to measure the temperature and then take her to a doctor. Our baby is a brave little one but she must be seen by the doctor.

Don’t let her feel unsafe and scared so just follow her wishes while you are at the doctors. Keep her amused and give her every toy she wants to cuddle while the doctor is doing his job. Check her vital signs, take the stethoscope and check out her lungs.
Then again measure her temperature and give her a cough syrup in a little tea spoon. To sooth her a while give the baby a lollipop and then go on with the examination. There is a funny device at her right side that looks like a bear head, that is an oxygen and that will ease her breathing.
It is time for the most painful part, an injection that is necessary to make her feel healthy in no time. Just a little sting and that is all. Clean the place where the little wound from the injection is and put some ointment and bandage and she will be ok right away.

Take her back home again and keep her happy all the time so she forgets what happened previously at the doctor's. Play with the baby with all the toys she wants, give her a bottle of milk and do not leave her unhappy not for a minute.
The next day she will be good as new, cute and happy baby. 

The sick day will be soon forgotten thanks to your good care. Keep up the good job and remember the health is what matters the most.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fun Baby in Theme Park The Greatest Fun

What a beautiful day and can you possibly imagine how to spend such a day with your baby? A perfect solution is to go to an amusement park, spend some quality time with the family and have a tones of fun. Pack your family in the van and off you go - the Theme Park is waiting for you.
Baby in Theme Park
Meet our cute family and their sweet baby girl who are heading to the Theme Park. Look how happy and impatient she is. Wait until you see how much energy this girl has.
They arrived at the Theme Park entrance and the happiness begins. Your only task is to try to cope with this baby girl and grant her every wish she have. Believe me her list of wishes is endless.

 As you will see this amusement park is full with interesting things. Many different carousels, a swing, sweet treats, a pool with the swans you can ride on and so many more. Our baby wants to try them all. I forgot the train? Well find out what else interesting is there. The baby will help you wholeheartedly. Just follow her wishes.
She wishes to sway on a rather scary swing…but then see how much she enjoys the ride and wants even more speed. This baby has no fear at all. Afterwards she will probably want some energy fulfilment, like cotton candy or ice cream. Then another round of fun. Perhaps a swan ride in the pool or a simple slide in the water.
 That is what I call a joy. A doughnut? Why not, this baby wants it all. Swing and swirl whole day but finally she wants to have some rest. You can rest too my dear.
Now that she is refreshed, cleaned and dressed up, she is ready for more fun. Can you handle this? Give her every toy she wants, the locomotive, the teddy bear or the balloons. She just cannot stop having fun.
But the day comes to an end and it's time to go home. It was a quite extraordinary day don't you think? Just like our game and our cute baby girl.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Barbie Groom The Room Home Duties


My dear girls, this is a special game for you with probably the most famous doll in the world, Barbie. In this story you are virtually going to meet her best friend Jane and of course Barbie's strict mother. In fact while playing this game you are going to learn a lot and that is why I think that this is a very special game.
Barbie Groom the Room
First let's meet our heroine that is Barbie, your favorite character. She is reading a book and she has a phone call from her friend Jane inviting her to go for a shopping. As we know we girls just love to go shopping so Barbie is thrilled by the idea. But when she told her mother about it, well the mother wasn't very happy about it because Barbie's room was a bit messy. So she gave Barbie a condition…to clean up her room before Jane arrives and then to freely go shopping. 

The deal is made and here your help is required because you only have ten minutes to clean up all the mess.
Start with Barbie's bedroom, clean it and put all the things on the right place. Dust all the places and corners where you see the dust and clean the spider web. Before you move to the next room be sure to shut down the computer. You will know that the room is clean when you see how Barbie is satisfied with your work.
The next room is even messier than the bedroom and you have to put all the scattered things on their right places. You have dusting and vacuuming here also but hey, you will go shopping after you finish and that is a good motivation.

The last room to clean is the living room where you see there are a lot of things all over the room but not on the places where they belong. So be fast and effective and put them all on the shelves where they should be and finally Barbie is free to put some make-up and meet Jane in a tidy and sparkly clean room.
So you see the moral of this game is that before you let yourself have fun, there are some responsibilities and home duties you must perform and then you are free. Follow Barbie's example and always keep your room clean and tidy. Good luck with the shopping.