Thursday, March 28, 2013

Royal Fashion fun Coloring Online Game

Royal Fashion

Play Royal Fashion

My pretty girls, we have something special for you, a special game for special little girls. Be ready for a colorful surprise .Place yourself in front of the monitor and arm yourself with nothing but your fantasy. How do I know that you are going to love this game? I just know because we, the girls, we just love to play with colors, wardrobe, hairstyles, combining and creating.

Your task in this game is so simple and yet filled with elegance and style. Here you can choose from the pictures of the princesses you would want to look their best and make their outfit and whole appearance look fresh and colorful. As you can see our girls are all dressed up and their hair is perfect but there is no color .Even the poodle is colorless.

Royal Fashion Coloring
Now go and grab the paintbrush and enter a little liveliness and joy in the game. On your left side is the pale picture of the princesses and on the right side you have a palette of colors you will use for painting. You have eight basic colors on disposal and four shades of every basic color. So, right here begins your creativity. Let your fantasy guide you and combine the colors any way you want to. Make the most elegant or the craziest combination. Make the poodle pink or green for example, or color the hair of the princess violet. Be bold, be kinky or just stick to the strict elegance. Do whatever you want, play with the colors, dance with the colors. Now that I mentioned dancing I have to say about the beautiful song that goes throughout the game. So gentle and catchy melody you are actually going to dance and sing along as you make your famous strokes with the paintbrush. The feeling is so sublime you will feel like a real great painter creating its masterpiece.
Royal Fashion Coloring
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The game is so easy to play but the benefits from it are greatly contributing to enhancing the creativity and the imagination, strengthening the girl’s self-confidence in the process of making creations and combinations.

So my little princesses, let’s do what we girls want do – lets mess with the colors.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Beaver Trouble Typing Game (Save The Baby) by BOKGames


Beaver Trouble Typing

My dear “Eager Beavers”, your help is needed. You have a rescue mission in front of you and believe me it is not an easy mission at all. I am not trying to scare you, only to raise your concentration that you are going to need in abundance and of course fast fingers. Not too scary isn’t it? Of course not but first let us meet the Beavers family. We all know from the cartoons and the books about the beavers and where they live and what they do. They live on the land and in the water and are famous for building the dams on rivers and their homes by using their sharp teeth to cut the trees. Now let’s learn something new about beavers. When they feel the danger they dive and slap the water so forcefully with their tails that other beavers that are very far can hear the slapping. Isn’t that interesting?
Now let’s get back to our game. A Baby Beaver is lost, taken away from a big tidal wave far away from his parents. He is probably very scared and this is where your help is needed. Your task is to save the baby and bring him back to his Mom and Dad. But the way you are going to do that is rather unusual and needs no heroic effort. Your typing skills are essential here. The faster you type the correct word given the sooner the baby beaver will be back with his parents. First you must choose who is going on the rescue mission with you-Mom Beaver or Dad Beaver. Mom is in her usual housewife gown with hair curlers, typical Mom, and Dad is just a regular fellow. A word appears that you have to type correctly and when you do that the rescuer jumps from a log to a log or from a turtle back to the next one. At the first words are easier to type, but each level up, they are more complex but not to worry, even if you make a mistake there is no penalty, only if time is up the beaver falls in the water and you have to start over the mission. But believe me it is not going to happen because I have a faith in you. If you get tired of all the jumping and typing you can pause a game for a while and take a nap and then refreshed you can continue your mission.

The good thing about this game is not that you are going to type faster but the whole point is to learn new words and enrich your vocabulary. If there are some words you don’t understand, ask your parents or your brother or sister, they will help I am sure of that.
The simple but colorful scenery, the joyous music and the funny sounds are making this game even more attractive to play.
Seeing the smiling faces of the Beaver family and their reunion is really worth making an effort to type and jump, so my little “Eager Beavers” concentrate, place your fingers on the keyboard and naturally have fun.
Visit All free online typing games.