Thursday, July 5, 2012

Learning Numbers Game Review

Learning Numbers Game For Little Kids

Play Learn Numbers

Learning Numbers is a simple but effective game built to help children learn their numbers.

It's done but out lining the shapes and repeating the sounds to reinforce the image and sound effect of each number (ranging from 1 to 10). This make this game perfect for children going into pre-K or Kindergarten alike, it helps get them ready to not just count but be able to identify each number individual.

The game doesn't starts out like a normal game, it has a 4:07 min long movie that demonstrates what each number looks like and how to draw each one out. This is helpful for younger children as they are used to looking at each number like this in order and counting this way. The movie goes a extra step by, having a illustration that demonstrates how each number should be drawn out. There is also a very cute animation that brings each number to life as they dance around and have a “interactive” experience.

This is called the lesson plan phase, which happens when the game first starts off. After this movie then comes the playing time. This consist off having six boxes with numbers in them, as the game will ask you to choose a number that will be spoken by the computer. For example the game will ask for the “number six” (it will also say click on the number 6 at the top), and there will be different numbers in each box, and you have to choose the number six (6) in order to go on to the next number. This step is repeated over and over again.

This game is simple in it's concept but it is useful in it purpose. Not only does it help with counting but it also helps with identification; which is a good thing. Speaking of god things, this game has a lot of good things going for it. For 1 it has a voice over work for each number, this is so helpful to hear the number being said not just reading the text on the screen. Also another good addition to the game is that each block with a number inside of it has it's own color. This is very useful because it will allow the player to be able to identify each block.

Over all Learning Numbers is a great game for children to play, it will help them lear their numbers with out them even knowing that they are playing a game. I would recommend this game to parents who want to give their child a head start in school. Perhaps just some one who like numbers. I give this game a 8/10.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shining Girl Makeover Game for Girls

A new Shining Girl Makeover Game. With summer here how about a new makeover? We are proud to bring you our latest girls game; Shining Girl Makeover. Have fun changing this pretty girls facial look with various makeup. There are many styles to create and when you are done just easily print and share with friends. Have fun with Shining Girl Makeover Game and back again to our site because we will add new wonderful Game ;)